performers / Oda Bjørholm, Sebastian Biong, Ingrid Haakstad and Niels Munk Plum

DURING A staged conversation three performers disagree on what ought to happen 

throughout the performance. What the plan is contra what is being done challenge how the imagined space is translated into the present.

The performance forms images given to the viewers through words. It challenges the performance as a space for rehearsal and as a staged experience. 

In its repetition it creates room for mistakes, alternations, questions and being able to ”try it out”.

A part of ”Destiny’s Gratinée” at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo 26/01, 01/02 & 09/02-2019
AND again 02/05-2019 at formidlingsseminaret "Det Ikke Styrte" at Kunstnernes Hus.